Our First Arganica Delivery

Today we received our first delivery from Arganica, a DC-based local farm foods delivery business. Basically its a cross between a farmer's market and a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farmshare. They carry a broad list of produce, breads, cheeses, and prepared foods from a variety of local farms. They send you a list of products and prices on Monday, you choose exactly what you want to order, and they deliver it to your door on Thursday evening. There's a monthly "membership" fee, which basically covers the delivery, and then you pay only for the foods you order (with a $25/week minimum). Its not cheap, but isn't significantly higher than the farmer's market. And, all of the foods you're getting are from DC/VA/MD/PA-area farms. Its a farmer's market, delivered to your door (in a nifty wooden crate!).

This week, we ordered (for a total of $25):
1 head Bibb Lettuce
1 Cucumber
2 Red Peppers (equal to 1 lb - not local, but same as supermarket prices)
1 head Cabbage
1 Avocado (also not local, but same as supermarket prices)
1 lb Bacon from Polyface Farms

We'll see how it goes!

Arganica Week 1