Fall Harvest

This week fall arrived in full force in DC (actually, temperatures more like winter, but the first taste of cold anyhow...). We wanted to take advantage of the fall bounty suddenly available at Eastern Market, and so we spent most of our day preparing a tasty Italian-inspired fall harvest dinner (yes we began at 10 am by roasting said harvest vegetables...).

To begin with an antipasto, we made our own stuffed hot cherry peppers. We made a mix of different types, stuffed with a variety of yummies - goat cheese, basil, serrano, anchovies, and olives in one combination or another. (Stored in a combination of olive oil and vinegar, the leftovers will last in our fridge for a few more days.)

For our main course, we made pumpkin ravioli using a marina di chioggia pumpkin, tossed in a sage brown butter sauce.

As our vegetable side, I put together a salad of market greens, roasted beets, cherry tomatoes, goat cheese, and candied pecans, topped with a mist of olive oil and a generous squeeze of balsamic glaze.

To top it off, Jon made a yummy french baguette. Having made fresh cheese the day before, we had some leftover whey, which we substituted for water. You could definitely taste the difference - not sure whether I'd do that again.

And dare I forget dessert, we used leftover pumpkin puree (from a different pumpkin we will be using for soup later this week) to make mini pumpkin pies, baked in our favorite ramekins. We topped these with a sauce of creme fraiche, sugar, milk, and some rum, and ate them with spiked hot apple cider.

Overall, the experience was really marvelous. Not only was our dinner yummy (and it certainly was), but it was satisfying knowing that all of our ingredients (flour, oil, butter, sugar, milk, vinegar, and rum aside) were either grown in our yard or purchased from one of the farmers or grocers we interact with weekly at Eastern Market. I love that I know exactly where each ingredient comes from, including the people who grow and/or make it.

I love knowing exactly what I've cooked, how I've cooked it, and what I've put in (or left out). With all the nonsense you find in pretty much all prepared or semi-prepared foods these days, its really nice taking something quite literally from scratch and making a wonderful meal for yourself.

fall harvest.


Yum. Of course I'll come

Yum. Of course I'll come over for dinner!

Oh, I'm not anonymous, I'm Andrew.