

Taking Locavorism a bit too far?

This takes locavorism to its logical end: http://www.welovedc.com/2010/02/24/deer-hunting-for-locavores-cl...

This takes local tacovorism to new heights: http://dcist.com/2010/03/desperately_seeking_tacos.php

Arganica deal with Deals for Deeds!

If we didn't live so close to Eastern Market, we'd be ordering from Arganica pretty much every week. If you consider yourself a locavore in DC, they are the best source for a lot of the more difficult items to source at your local farmer's market, and the flour you can get from them is out of this world. Don't even get me started on the yogurt with the layer of cream on top they have. Arganica is a local business which is like a meta-CSA - you get local yumminess, what you order, delivered to your door, and support a local business who's changing the way you interact with your food. It's made of win.

And if you also support another local DC business, http://www.dealsfordeeds.com/ (think Groupon for Good), you get a 3 month membership for $40 - half off! Try it. You'll like it.

Eat Local in DC: Linkdump

The Hill is Home put together a great set of links for eating locally: http://www.thehillishome.com/2010/04/eating-locally/ with a hat-tip to our favorite vendor, Arganica: http://arganica.com . WeLoveDC takes local to a whole new level with what can best be described as lawnmower salad: http://www.welovedc.com/2010/04/13/truly-local-eating-a-homegrow...

If you're road-tripping and want to keep things "local" , there's a great resource to find local favorites via boingboing

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