

Sephardic Charoset

Sephardic Charoset

A few years ago I started making sephardic-style charoset for Passover... and I never stopped. Although it is not the classic apple and walnut dish of my youth, I like the flavors better and I find it easier to manage on a piece of matzah with horseradish.

This year, I discovered this Serious Eats recipe, which I found not only tasty but also easy to make. Win win!

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Matzah Brei

Matzah Brei

Based on a kitchn recipe, this was one of the best matzah brie batches I've ever made.

Serves 2

4 eggs, divided
splash milk or cream
1 dash salt
1 dash sugar, optional
2 sheets matzo
2 tablespoons unsalted butter

Crack all but one of the eggs into a large bowl; add the milk, salt, and sugar, if using; and whisk very well to combine.
Break the matzah into 1/2-inch pieces or smaller and add to the egg mixture.
Let stand for at least 10 minutes, or until matzah is soft and pliable.

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