Menu for the week of Return from Vacation: Italian! (Feb 13)

Wed: Barley Risotto
Thus: (Valentine’s Day) Panzanella salad
Fri: Neapolitan pizza (prosciutto, red onion?, basil, arugula, fresh parmesan)
Sat: Union market early dinner date with Noah?
Sun: Lasagna (batch x3 + extra marinara sauce for freezing) with caesar salad (make extra dressing)
Mon: Composed salad (greens, avocado, green beans, cherry tomatoes, smoked salmon, soft cheese, marinated mushrooms, pickled veg, olives)
Tue: Pasta with sauce from Union Market and green veg
Wed: Pasta with sauce from Trader Joe’s and green veg
Thus: Lasagna leftovers with caesar salad
Fri: Fried eggplant with red sauce (sandwich style or parmesan style)

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